Thursday, July 8, 2010

Campaign Number One


I have yet to promote my videos on You Tube
I guess because when I see them I feel like a boob.
Anyway it’s time to check my ego and advertize
Let people see me grow from the weak to the wise

A poet friend of mine by the name of John Tucker
Got a hold of me one day right after my supper.
He said Big Daddy it’s time to considered video construction.
I laughed and replied, me on video, my stuff in production.

My dear friend John you must be out of your mind.
Not only are you nuts, my friend you got to be blind.
My ugly puss on camera would just drive people away.
Besides my recitals will crumble and I’ll get buried in clay.

Well John started me thinking so I decided to give it a try.
At first my videos were so bad I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
However I’m not a quitter so with pure guts I kept up the endeavor.
Now I’ve made hundreds, mostly bad, but some are damn clever.

The clever ones need a chance so promotion is my plan I hope not in vain.
I’ll make this recital of mine the beginning of an audio and video campaign
I’ve got new ideas to make things better and I’ll try to fit my words to the letter.

So watch the good and the bad and help me make my recitals a whole lot better.

Please Listen to The Audio